What Stainless Steel Angle Bar Deform Can Be?

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  • Publish Time:2021-06-22
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There are two kind of deform may happens on stainless steel angle bar:

1. Ruler opened, that is the bars' angle bigger than 90 degree. Then place one wings on plateform at 45 degrees, then hammered. When correcting, pay attention to the correct hammering and the stable drop of the hammer, otherwise the angle steel is prone to torsion;

2. Rule closed, that is, when the bars' angle smaller than 90 degree, the edges of wings of the angle steel bar can be placed on the platform and hammered at the ridge line of the ruler, or the ridge line of the angle steel bar can be placed on the platform. Put the flat hammer in it, and then use the hammer to split the angle to a right angle.

If it is slightly deformed, it can be corrected with a wrench. Larger angles can be placed on the edge of the platform, then use hammer to strike the edge of the angles in the opposite twisting direction.